Check out this cool product that one of my customers recently turned me on to: disposable car covers!
They’re clear plastic with an elastic bottom, which helps to keep them from being blown off by the wind, but still loose enough to put on and take off. These covers are intended for indoor use, but if you had to pull a car out of your garage for a few hours to work on another, I’d recommend throwing one of these babies on. Seriously, who wants to get bird droppings on a newly installed convertible top?
These disposable car covers don’t protect against deep scratches and you certainly can’t put tools on the hood like you would with a thick blanket, but they’re great for protecting against dust, debris, overspray and fingerprints from nosey customers.
The best part is they can be used over and over again, and only cost about $10 each. Check out Woodward Fab for purchase information.
Cool idea to use these protective disposable covers!…suppose they’re lighter.
Although I measured carefully before purchasing, it is a hassle to get this Car Covers positioned properly because it just barely covers the windshield. It is much lighter in weight than I expected, but seems pretty durable. People can try for it.