Want to sit inside something outrageous? Check out the Rolls-Royce Phantom – which I recently had the opportunity to test drive. According to the company rep who handed me the keys, the luxurious sedan features a cashmere-blend headliner and is trimmed in 15 to 18 hides of Bavarian bull (Rolls-Royce doesn’t use cow hide because female cattle are prone to getting stretch marks during pregnancy). But that’s just the tip of the iceberg…
The bulls slaughtered for the Phantom’s upholstery are raised in a region of Europe where the climate is too cold for mosquitos to live – minimizing the presence of insect bites and other blemishes. Rolls-Royce claims that by choosing bulls over cows and raising them in such a climate, their leather interiors end up being softer to the touch than any other automaker.
It sounds outrageous, but that’s exactly what Rolls-Royce is. Which is why their latest press release about the 102EX Phantom Experimental Electric – the world’s first electric ultra-luxury car – doesn’t surprise me one bit. Describing its interior leather furnishings, Rolls-Royce writes:
Its leather interior is derived from a natural vegetable tanning process christened Corinova. This gives life to the car, adding definition to the seats, floor and arm rests.
Most leather produced for automotive applications is chrome tanned. This is an important constituent that helps to stabilise animal hides and transfer collagen into leather fibres. The barrel-dyeing process used to colour Phantom interior leathers gives a rich, uniform pigmentation while maintaining the natural feel and softness.
An experimental leather, Corinova distinguishes itself by being entirely chrome free. It starts with a preparation of Glutardialehyde to prepare for tanning. Chestnut extract, sustainably sourced from Southern Europe and Tara powder from crushed fruit of the Tara bush in South America are used for drum-spun colouring. Fruits are harvested without damage to the plant and the product is finished with a combination of natural binders and high tech polymers.
The process lends itself only to certain earthy colours – in the case of Phantom EE a chestnut colour for seat covers and Quebracho Brown for other areas such as the floor and trunk lining, both of which are made of durable saddle leather.
As well as aesthetic differences, Corinova leather presents a number of practical benefits. It uses less paint finish than in standard chrome-tanned leather and creates less waste. It negates the use of petrol-refined products and with further development, it may be possible to use recycled Corinova leather in agriculture to aerate soil.
Rolls-Royce fully expects perceptions to be challenged and first impressions will no doubt focus on appearance, as features that define the life of the animal are more clearly visible in areas like seats and armrests than in production Phantom interiors. A change from the sumptuous finish applied to Phantom leather may imply a compromise to some owners, but others may welcome distinguishing features that stretch individualisation for Rolls-Royce Phantom models ever further.
Uhhh yeah… where do you suppose I can buy a hide of that? Because I certainly can’t afford the Phantom’s $380,000 to $450,000 price tag!
Bonus: Check out this video sneak peak into Rolls-Royce’s world-famous leather shop:
That bull hide idea is interesting. I once heard that Italian leather is so expensive simply because it’s illegal to use barbed wire fencing in Italy. As a result, Cows are less likely to scrape/puncture their skin, and their hides have less imperfections.
thanks for the post
Oh look, some idiotic bull peddled by some normie r3tards on reddit. Y’all enjoying this d1ck-sucking article from 9 years ago? Slurp it up you dumbasses, because drooling over dumb sh1t like this is the best you’ll ever get in your pathetic little worthless lives.
Aww… did someone hurt your feelbads?
Daww, the little boy is venting from his mom’s basement? Projecting is a bad look for everyone, kid.
Might as well be PO’d at the Mona Lisa, the Last Supper, or the Sistine Chapel, talent paid for by a surfeit of economic wages accruing to a highly unequal class willing to patronize the ‘arts’. We’ll probably never put a Rolls Royce on the same level as any of those, but only possible with the donation of a wealthy class with some modicum of taste and an excess of capital. Where am I personally on this? Jesus said, ‘the poor you’ll always have with you’ but might well have said ‘you’ll always have your elites’ because one doesn’t exist without the other.
Regardless, mocking the article and people who read it misses the point. You’ll always have the system, but that does not mean that the system is fair or that it does not produce spectacular results. Fight for equity. I’m as angry as you are. But calling people suckers for appreciating quality is a dead end. Might as well tear down the icons and declare the end of faith altogether. Best wishes to you because we are in the same fight.
I am looking for hides of leather for a rolls Royce corniche mulliner. 1984.
I want to buy, how to do?
Thanks for posting this amazing content. Nice work.!!!
Corinova leather presents a number of practical benefits.