Every now and then we like to share with our readers a DIY project gone horribly wrong. Why? Because it’s funny.
Meet Tom, the brains behind the mousepad-motorcycle seat. This Jack-of-all-trades published an unintentionally funny tutorial on how he foamed a motorcycle seat pan using none other than his computer mousepad.
In fact, he’s so proud of the job that he did, that he’s currently “working on a source of mousepads” – which he claims are just as good, but cheaper than the professional-grade gel pads we use.
My favorite quote from his tutorial:
I also read about people having upholstery shops trim down the foam pad on the seat. This seemed like a good option, but I decided to take the seat apart to see if I could do a better job myself.
Well, mission unaccomplished! But I guess if he’s happy with what he did, that’s all that really matters.
To read Tom’s full tutorial on how to make a mousepad-motorcycle seat, check out itrocks.com.
bubble wrap for extra padding….why didnt i think of that… cheap and effective! the bubbles only pop if you hit a large enough pot hole.