In 2011, researchers at Queen Mary University in London made headlines when they discovered that car interiors carry more bacteria than public toilets. Apparently Toto Ltd., a Japanese toilet company, took that as a challenge – because it invented a toilet-seat motorcycle.
Toilet Bike Neo is the result of three years of research and development. It is an eco-friendly motorcycle powered by composted, organic waste. In other words, poop.
Of course, the actual bike won’t feature a toilet for a seat. The one pictured above was produced for marketing purposes only. Earth Techling explains:
I know what you’re thinking so I won’t leave you in suspense: no, the toilet bowl seat is not functional. … [T]he toilet-derived seat is just a rather blatant advertising device, but the Toilet Bike Neo is no farce. It really does run on excrement, but thankfully, not the rider’s. Rather the three-wheeled motorcycle’s 250cc engine is powered by fertilized, purified and compressed livestock waste and household wastewater from Shika-oi Town in Hokkaido and Kobe city. The organic material is transformed into biogas, which then powers the bike. [more]
While the motorcycle’s mpg rating has not been released, it did recently compete an 870-mile trek across Japan. As impressive as that sounds, I feel sorry for the folks who found themselves stuck behind it in traffic. Exhaust like that can make a driver’s stomach turn.
OK at first i was going to say why waist your time.But then after reading it i see it not a bad idea. Its basically alternative fuel. As long as some one doesn’t try and save money and use there own crap then its a good idea..
Haha, renewable sources of fuel are the future, but this is definitely out there…