In regards to Sunday’s fire at Three Rivers Supply, we have some good news to report. The company is back up and running. In fact, it doesn’t appear they skipped a beat.
Last night, we spoke to co-owner Dan Krawczyk who issued the following statement on behalf of the the entire Krawcyzk family:
“We were back up and running on Monday morning. Orders and packages are still being processed as normal. Our offices took a lot of damage from the water causing phone problems which should be fixed by the weekend. We have been amazed by the support and understanding of our employees and customers.”
Fortunately, no one was severely injured, the vast majority of Three Rivers Supply‘s inventory wasn’t damaged and they are still able to process new orders.
I’ve been doing business with this family for the better part of 35 years, so glad to hear no one hurt and it’s not down for the count. Good news in deed.
Thank You to all the loyal customers. If you continue to have any problems, feel free to contact me, your sales rep, or your sales rep. We will be happy to answer your call. I can be reached at 610-659-5968 24/7
My account is Horan Restorations, however it has been a good while since my last order. I have not ordered over the internet and would like to create an online account if possible. Is a catalog availible? Thank you for many years of great service.