For Electron Top‘s latest news, promotions and sales, check out the latest issue of their monthly newsletter “Keep in Touch!”
If you build miniature display seats to hang in your showroom, you’ll dig Electron Top’s “TINY TOP” — a miniature convertible top, frame and all, that you can use to show customers exactly how their new tops will look and feel. The “TINY TOP” is made to order, and available in any color vinyl, as well as Stayfast or Hotrod cloth material. Order yours before convertible season starts!
Last month, The Hog Ring reported that the 2015 Ford Mustang convertible top is significantly different than the 2005 – 2014 model. In fact, it features a new fifth bow. If one happens to arrive at your shop for replacement, please give Electron Top a call. They’re looking to add the new pattern to their archives.
This month’s issue also features an “Audi Special Warning.” Electron Top is asking trimmers to check the original rain gutter on the 2000 – 2006 Audi TT prior to installing a new convertible top. Sometimes the double-sided tape used to hold the gutter in place detaches after installation, allowing for water to leak into the motor causing damage.
Lastly, what would an issue of “Keep in Touch!” be without some food for thought? This month, Electron Top sheds light on the origins, or etymology, of the term “Easter” and what the holiday is all about.
For more news from Electron Top — including important information about the 2003 – 2009 Nissan 350z convertible top — check out this month’s issue of “Keep in Touch!” To set up a business account, visit or call (800) 221-4476.
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