Thanks to everyone who participated in our Tiny Binding Challenge on Instagram!
Based on a private back-and-forth between Brian Willingham of BW Upholstery and Ricky Howard of Interiors by Shannon, we challenged The Hog Ring community to see who could bind a dime-sized hole in vehicle carpet.
Auto trimmers across the United States rose to the occasion, and even put their own spin on the assignment. Below are some of our favorites!
I see what you guys are up to! @brianwillstitch_az @built_by_r1cky @santanainteriordesign @thehogring
214 Likes, 25 Comments – Sean Johnstun (@fatluckys) on Instagram: “I see what you guys are up to! @brianwillstitch_az @built_by_r1cky @santanainteriordesign…”
OK here’s our submission into the #tinybindingchallenge… 👌Oh made you look! #AutoKustoms #TheHogRing
212 Likes, 24 Comments – Auto Kustoms 859-605-6388 (@auto_kustoms) on Instagram: “OK here’s our submission into the #tinybindingchallenge… 👌Oh made you look! #AutoKustoms…”
Dime binding fun. #tinybindingchallenge #ourway #HHupholstery
73 Likes, 11 Comments – H&H Custom Upholstery (@hhcustomupholstery) on Instagram: “Dime binding fun. #tinybindingchallenge #ourway #HHupholstery”
Bung hole binding!! Screw this😉 @thehogring
171 Likes, 18 Comments – on Instagram: “Bung hole binding!! Screw this😉 @thehogring”
Stitchin’ small things! #tinybindingchallenge @thehogring
19 Likes, 3 Comments – Roy Keith Classics (@roykeithclassics) on Instagram: “Stitchin’ small things! #tinybindingchallenge @thehogring”
Every trimmer who participated in the challenge — no matter how well they pulled it off — got a FREE limited-edition The Hog Ring sticker mailed to them!
We had so much fun, we might just make challenges a regular feature of our community. So definitely keep your eyes peeled for the next one!
Until then, we’ll catch you on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or our Auto Upholstery Forum.
You guys are good!!! I will keep practicing
Thank you Pam! Hugs Ashley
Auckland, New Zealand auto upholstery shop located in Waikumete My heart belongs to this site; please never stop improving it. geometry dash
I was extremely happy to be a part of the competition you’ve organised that time. Looking forward to the next one ..hope to get a lucky bonus in