Every auto trimmer that has called Electron Top knows Cathy — if not by name and face, then certainly by voice. She’s usually the first person to pick up the telephone, greeting you with such an upbeat, welcoming hello that you can practically feel her smile through the phone line.
After 19 years of hard work and faithful service, Cathy is retiring from Electron Top, where she specialized in phone sales, shipping claims, receivables and so much more.
Electron Top’s latest edition of “Keep in Touch!” is dedicated to her:
Electron Top wasn’t her first job. Cathy started her working career at a firm on Wall Street. Then after having children she decided to open up a day care and dedicated many years to helping parents and molding young minds. It was a terrific set up for her as she ran the day care center whilst also raising her own children. We are sure many of those children felt as fortunate as we have with such a fun, kind and wonderful person to deal with everyday.
“What is it that makes a valued employee?” Reliability, friendliness, compatibility, knowledge, the desire to learn and attention to detail. Cathy was all of these things but most precious of all she was a dedicated friend. We will miss her on a regular basis but fortunately she is close by and we will “Keep in Touch!”
We’ll miss Cathy’s warm greetings and friendly assistance. Like the entire Electron Top team, she’s become very much a part of our small shops — helping to ensure we have the products we need to get jobs done and keep our customers happy.
Please join us in wishing Cathy lots of love, good health and success in retirement.
Electron Top is a family-owned business that’s renowned for its quality convertible tops, great customer service and commitment to the industry. In fact, Electron Top is one of the few manufacturers left that refuses to sell products directly to the public – limiting their market to ensure our prices aren’t affected.
Show your appreciation and support by setting up a business account today. Call (800) 221-4476 or visit ElectronTop.com.
Thanks for the always kind comments Ms. FAF!