Every once in a while, a trimmer has to vent his frustrations. For me, today is one of those times.
So, without further ado, here’s a list of five things customers do that piss me the hell off.
1. Miss an appointment
People, call ahead if you’re going to miss your appointment. It’s a simple courtesy that only takes a few moments of your time. If you give me notice that you’re not going to show up, I can schedule another job in your place. Otherwise, don’t expect me to accommodate your schedule the next time around.
2. Complain about sales tax
As God as my witness, this is a daily struggle at my shop. I didn’t ask to be a tax collector for the government, I was forced to become one. It’s the law and it’s out of my hands. So yes, you do have to pay sales tax. If you have a problem with that, take it up with Uncle Sam!
3. Bring a car full of junk
If you’re bringing your car into my shop for a new carpet, headliner or seat repair, then you better clean out all the junk. How do you expect me to work in a car that I can’t even sit in? No, it’s not ok that I have to remove piles of trash just so that I can get into the backseat, only to put it all back when I’m done.
4. Don’t pick their sh*t up!
If you tell me that you must have your car done by a certain day and I accommodate that, THEN PICK UP YOUR CAR ON THAT DAY. When I bust my ass to meet your deadline and you don’t bother picking it up, you’re basically saying your time is more valuable than mine.
5. Assume I’ll give them a ride home
Do I look like a chauffeur? When you schedule an appointment to fix your car, schedule a ride home for yourself. I can’t close my business to drive you home and then close it again just to pick you up when the work is finished. Take a taxi, Uber, bus. I don’t care. I’m not running a shuttle service.
What do you think?
Is there anything customers do that piss you off that you’d like to add to the list? Let me know in the comments section below ↓
When customers keep calling if their stuff is done and then you call them that their stuff is done,they have the nerve to tell you they would have to pick it up next week cause they dont have the money,this ticks me off!!!
Number two is the big one they don’t want to pay it they want me to eat the sales tax! No thats not how that works .But I run into all five every week
Retired…wants to watch you work on their car, wants you to drop what you are doing to work on their car. Brings car to you a week before a car show that they want to enter. Wants to trade out work tools for work, plumbing for work, carpentry for work. and all sorts of other stuff. If I went to a bank and wanted to borrow money and told them I wanted to trade it out instead of paying the money back they would laugh their DONKEY off.
When they tell you that the first painter has stuffed the paintwork so now they have to pay to get it redone, and the mechanic has doubled the price of his job, so what’s the best deal I can do to help them out.
My state just started the new labor tax on July 1, omg. Those 5 are the big complains. we rush to get something done and its days before pick up. I had a guy that still owed 530.00 yesterday evening and he had the nerve to ask for me to leave truck outside for pick up and he would put check in mailbox, I said I don’t think so, he pick it up today. And I get others that want us to stay hours later to give estimate on their time. Lol
Amen and then some others! Vent brother!
My husband always tells me my people skills are lacking. I glad too see that I am not the only one that has to put up with the very same things day after day. And he wonders why my people skills are lacking!! Lol
My husband always tells me my people skills are lacking. I glad too see that I am not the only one that has to put up with the very same things day after day. And he wonders why my people skills are lacking!! Lol
When they can’t seem to understand why my price is higher than the person working out of their home garage.
When they want to borrow sample books.
I had a customer get extremely irate because I wouldn’t let him take a sample book home to show his wife, he told me I was too expensive and was not a good trimmer anyway… I ripped the contract in front of him and told him to get out of my shop. He called me back two weeks later and apologized and said I was the best upholstery guy and my prices were reasonable and begged me to do his job. I did, for almost double the original estimate.
The customers who have watched a 5 minute video on you tube and think their seats will take the same time.
How about customers that walk into the shop right past the no customer sign like they own the place. I have a showroom and a front door for that.
How about the person that implies he should get a discount because he works at _______ or knows______.
Or the person who calls on the phone for a “quote” and can’t understand why you get give them a specific price without seeing the job or lastly the person that starts the conversation with “this is an easy job”….I just want to say back “then why are coming to us?!”
Or what about the customers that say ” why so much it’s just a little car “
My number one pet peeve is when the customer wants to stay and hang out….
“WATCH ME WORK” and expects me to maintain a conversation or answer endless questions . Well FYII to all potential customers, I dont like an audience and your not paying me to entertain you or be distracted. So please get all those questions out of your system before the work commences .
when you tell a customer the minimum price will be x amount of dollars, and probably higher if springs, foam, or other parts and pieces may have to be repaired or replaced. then when they the bill all they remember is you said x amount of dollars.