One of the most difficult aspects of owning and operating a trim shop is time management, especially if you’re doing everything alone.
The craft of auto upholstery is already time consuming. Add to that all the administrative and sales duties, and it’s enough to make you go crazy.
That’s why the SEMA Businesswomen’s Network (SBN) is hosting a free webinar titled “How to Keep Productivity at a Maximum.”
“Having a long to-do list can feel overwhelming and it can be a struggle to even know where to start,” SBN says in the event description. “Knowing how to identify priorities and keep productivity at a maximum can help you increase true payoff from the tasks at hand.”
Michelle Skaggs, head of global marketing at Magna, will provide participants with tips on how to increase productivity, teach them to identify and avoid obstacles that hurt productivity, and even how to set goals for effective time management.
Although the event is hosted by SBN, men are welcome to participate, as the business skills taught are universal.
The webinar will be held on July 22 at 2 pm ET. Click here to register.
Just curious, do women business owners have difficulties that are different from male business owners?
I think woman can multi-task they on to of there game when comes to admin