Why spend $50 on a bouquet of roses that’ll die in a few short days when you can just make them out of leather?
Tandy Leather published a step-by-step video tutorial on how to make gorgeous roses from leather — and it looks pretty simple.
All you need to complete the project is a leather tooling piece, rotary punch, scissors, modeling tool point and stylus, spray bottle, silver water beads, rose stem and floral tape. Oh yeah, and loads of creativity.
Check out the tutorial video:
Unlike real roses, these will last a lifetime. Plus, the effort is bound to score you some extra points with your valentine.
If you give it a shot, post the results on Instagram and tag The Hog Ring.
These, in contrast to actual flowers, will survive a lifetime. Furthermore, dordle the extra effort is certain to get you some brownie points with your admirer.