Why spend $50 on a bouquet of roses that'll die in a few short days when you can just make them out of leather? … [Read more...] about Make Valentine’s Day Roses from Leather
Genuine Leather
Pangea Leather says its Hides Kill 99.99% of Bacteria
Pangea Leather, a tier-3 supplier to over 25 automotive brands, has announced that all of its leather is now antimicrobial. … [Read more...] about Pangea Leather says its Hides Kill 99.99% of Bacteria
Bentley Begins Tanning Leather in Olive Mill Wastewater
Bentley Motors is introducing its first fully organic Olive Tan Leather option this week at Monterey Car Week in California. … [Read more...] about Bentley Begins Tanning Leather in Olive Mill Wastewater
Senate Asks Lear About Forced Labor and Deforestation
The U.S. Senate Committee on Finance is asking Lear Corporation, the country's largest car seat manufacturer, to explain how it oversees its leather supply chain in Brazil to prevent the illegal importation of products made by forced labor or through deforestation. … [Read more...] about Senate Asks Lear About Forced Labor and Deforestation
Moore & Giles is Going Green with Solar Power!
Moore & Giles is going solar! In fact, they just completed the installation of a state-of-the-art solar energy system to reduce their carbon footprint and promote sustainability throughout the leather industry. … [Read more...] about Moore & Giles is Going Green with Solar Power!
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